WVC Helps to Revitalize and Encourage First Nation Language Learning
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Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate has two First Nation Language Credits available for Grade 9 & 10 participants! Grade 11 & 12 courses are currently in development for their continued learning.
Each student will be responsible for active participation in the classroom setting and a one-on-one instructional setting to acquire and practice new language skills. Students will be expected to master time management and self-discipline by allocating certain hours to the course.
Ojibwe Language Course Info
Students who attend any of MFNERC’s partner schools are eligible to study either the Grade 9 Ojibwe 11G or now the new Grade 10 Ojibwe 21G course. Students learn to converse, read and write in Ojibwe by using the language strands: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Each unit consists of topics with lessons in the Ojibwe language. All lessons must be completed to get a letter grade. The Units consists of general learning outcomes, cultural components, grammar elements, Ojibwe vocabulary and sentences to learn conversational Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). The Cultural component provides an Ojibwe (perspective) worldview.
As you learn to speak Ojibwe, you will notice other speakers may say some words differently. The pronunciations of words differ in the Ojibwe dialects and the change occurs in either the medial (middle) or final (end) of a word. All Ojibwe speakers from different regions understand each other and they are able to converse with one another. E.g. day – giizhigad or giizhigan.
Ojibwe 11G is a highly recommended First Nations language credit elective. Students are not required to be fluent speakers, as the course is intended for beginning speakers. Based on thematic units aligned with the seasons, students should be prepared to interact, converse, and utilize video / audio to capture their evidence of language acquisition in their assignments.
Cree Language Course Info
This course will provide participants with the opportunity to develop and acquire the skills and knowledge to begin speaking the Cree language. Each student will be responsible for participating in the instructional setting to acquire new language skills and build on those skills using the Transparent Language program. Students will be expected to master time management and self-discipline by allocating certain hours to the course. Attention will be given to the instructional strategies, lessons/units and use of the Transparent Language Program.
If you would like to learn more about the First Nation Language Program, please email WVC Support.