Physical Education/Health Education 40F (Active Healthy Lifestyles)
Empowering Students to Build Lifelong Healthy Habits through Fitness, Nutrition, and Personal Growth.
This course aims to empower young people to take charge of their physical fitness, encouraging them to pursue activities they enjoy and adopt active lifestyles. Students will study topics related to fitness management, nutrition, team building, relationships, social/emotional health, and personal development. As part of earning credit for this course, students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio containing elements such as a fitness plan, physical activity log, or journal entries. Students will be assessed with a Complete (CO) or Incomplete (IN) designation as their final Grade. The class organization will be outlined at the beginning of the semester and is designated as a supported, blended delivery, with 75% focused on independent learning and 25% on in-class learning.
To complete this course, students must complete the online modules and complete and submit 55 hours of moderate to vigorous exercise.
Course Requirements
Completion of Physical Education/Health Education – Active Healthy Lifestyles 30F (Grade 11) is required.
Independent Study
This course is an Independent Study Regular Credit course.
The Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate operates under the authority of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre organization and provides educational services to its affiliated schools and First Nations. Search for affiliated schools under MFNERC and MFNSS in the search tool linked below.
Course Registration
The Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate student intake periods occur twice a year. Semester one intake is during the summer months of June through September. Semester two intake is during the winter months of December through February.